Cory Aquino

Her Works



Prayer (September 2, 1994)

Almighty and merciful God,
You alone know everything.
You know my present pain
You know what deeply troubles my mind and also wounds my heart.
I call on You, Lord and Master of my life
Do not abandon me in my time of trouble.
Look with much compassion on me and my loved ones.
Come Almighty Father, we implore You.
Guide us and fill our hearts with much love and understanding for each other.
Direct us always to choose that which is good and that which is just.
Lord, Lord, never even for a moment forget us.
Grant us the gift of faith, so that at all times we shall remember to entrust and commit ourselves entirely to Your wise and loving care.
I thank You, Most Loving Father, for all the blessings You have generously bestowed on me and my family.
Give us the grace to wisely use these gifts, not for ourselves alone, but more especially for our suffering brethren who are in need of so much assistance.
Forgive us, Our Father, for all the times we have offended You.
We ask for Your Divine Mercy and we implore Your help so that we can become better persons with each passing day.
We humbly offer You our love, our works and our sacrifices today and everyday of our lives.
Blessed be Your Name, Almighty God.




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