Cory Aquino

Her Works



Prayer for Kris (February 14, 1995)

O dear Jesus, Lord and Savior of us all
On this, the 24th birthday of Kris
I humbly kneel and offer You this prayer.
Come, dear Jesus, I beseech You
And fill her heart with Your love, Your mercy and Your peace.
Forgive her and forgive us for whatever we may have done to offend You.
Please provide her now with everything she needs so that once again she will love what is right and hate what is wrong.
As You know, dear Jesus, Kris loved You then with all her heart, adoring You and praying daily to You.
Give her now the grace to be humble
And to admit the emptiness of her life without Your divine guidance.
Awaken in her the realization that the path to true and lasting happiness can only be reached by following Your teachings and keeping Your commandments.
I am truly sorry dear Jesus for sounding impatient at times, even when I pray, forgetting that You, my Lord, love Kris so much more than I do.
Help Kris and me to remember that the best thing we can do is to pray, without ceasing for greater light from Your Holt Spirit.
Trusting completely in Your Infinite Goodness and Mercy,
I know that You will answer my petition.
I thank You, O Lord, for the many compassionate people who have joined me in my prayers for Kris.
Let me now also offer prayers for all who are undergoing similar trials and tribulations.
May all of us pray for one another, asking Our Blessed Mother for her loving intercession to seek what is most pleasing to Your Holy Will. Amen.



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